Friday, September 10, 2010

Killing The Host Organisim

So it turns out we have racked up more national debt in the last 18 months than we did from George Washington to Ronald Reagan COMBINED! What will it take for this big governmental parasite to realize it’s killing the host organism? The spendulous package has predictably failed, and this administration’s big effing deal has turned into a raw deal for taxpayers and future generations. The ‘Summer of Recovery’ plan has stalled out, and turned into a choice between a double dip or dismally slow recovery with chronic employment figures. Neither one I suspect, will make THIS hard working taxpayers 401K any better, much less representative of my efforts. In fact, it’s starting to feel personal. No wonder small business has taken to a ‘Capital Freeze’, keeping expanding or hiring on the sidelines. Mostly due to uncertainty I’m sure, but I wonder how much of that is a simple boycott of the current conditions in Washington?

The economic situation is festering, Keynesian economics are dead, and difficult decisions will have to be made. What we need is austerity, NOW! It’s going to have to happen eventually, and the sooner the better. Extending the Bush tax cuts and/or Obama’s small business stimulus plan is low hanging fruit. I suggest the current situation warrants more profound approaches, and am curious if the upcoming elections will embolden congress to take on these politically unpopular measures. Measures such as cutting entitlements by 20%, forcing all federal departments to run a balanced budget, raising the retirement age, lower the corporate tax rates, domestic energy for jobs, regulatory reduction and for heaven’s sake stop bailing out big banks and organized labor with our tax dollars!

These self induced austerity measures will show the world we are serious about the economic realities. America would not only improve her own financial outlook, but also resume her lead in the world as the shining example of Capitalism in the global marketplace.